♺ Chthulucene
ߔߎ߯ߟߍ߫ ߞߊ-ߖߊ߬ߣߏ߬ߟߌ߲߯ߗߌ (Pule kaJanolintji) ngumcwaningi wolimi lwesiNtu nezabathwa, isazi somlando nemikhuba yokusetshenziswa kwezinkulumo zaseNingizimu, futhi umthuthukisi wezinhlelo zokuloba zezwekazi, njengesiBheqe Sohlamvu.
Pule is a scholar of linguistics and a cultural historian of speech practices of Azania/!Naremâb, promoting writing systems of the continent, like N’Ko or Ditema tsa Dinoko script. Their MA research describes South African cryptolects - secret forms of speech.
This conversation took place between i0 xen0 and Pule, who met in Zurich in 2022 through the School of Commons residency, where they were both fellows. All images used with permission from i0 xen0 and Ubungxenye.