100d — 0nty, 9th February 2025

Editor’s Letter: Psychoanalysis, Film, Print

In a short video essay entitled "PSYCHOANALYSIS, FILM, PRINT, 0nty presents some reflections on Lucas Nassif’s new volume, Unconscious / Television ; Becoming Press’ unconventional publishing model ; and Open Secret’s internet cinema curation. Becoming Press’ role is presented as a mission to facilitate “minor literatures” — the smuggling of media objects with the potential to decode, short-circuit, or deterritorialize the circulation of institutional writing. Unconscious/TV and Open Secret represent two methodological experiments in this act of “smuggling” — Nassif via his incorporation of the structure of the ‘television series’ into the formatting of his text ; and Open Secret via its inclusion of internet cinema, a genre partially defined by its incorporation of the online’s particular processes and infrastructures as principles of editing and composition. The talk will be presented on Jan 22nd in the context of Becoming Press’ fusion of these two projects ; Lucas Nassif’s book launch combined with a night of “Open Secret” screenings organized by Dana Dawud. 0nty is an artist and writer who has straddled all three projects — having served as an editor for Unconscious/Television and also a feature in Open Secret. In this short talk, the various domains are presented as tightly knotted.

Watch on YouTube