♺ Chthulucene
i0 xen0 is a researcher, artist, and transsexual based in Berlin. It has an academic research background in science and technology studies; its visual and performance art focuses on how people understand and imagine the internal structures and processes in their bodies, including through technologies of voluntary and involuntary bodily surveillance. All aspects of i0 xen0’s academic and artistic work are informed by embodied contemplative practice. Its recent research on how people collectively comprehend hormonal experience is in the process of publication with HumDrum Press. This upcoming book (“How Do We Know What We Know About Hormones?”) contains practical invitations for individual and collaborative building of body knowledge. The content, framing, and spirit of i0 xen0’s essay on M.Y.B.’s book owes much to Ellen Samuels’ “Six Ways of Looking at Crip Time” (2017).