Heliocentric Music

Reflections on Challenges faced by Electronic Music and Rave Culture today.

This year becoming.press is assisting The Gathering with some of their immaterial needs, promotions, dissemination of information, virtual hosting needs and so on. The Gathering is an event by Honest Electronics, a collective based in Cyprus who do music together, they have a label, make parties, host concerts, and run a yearly rave-festival called... The Gathering. The collective are our friends, our allies, we are both in it, and outside of it; like many who enter the field, we can oscillate between referring to Honest Electronics as a “we” or as a “them”. Both make sense. I have been writing about us/them for 8 years through the old zine I ran before Becoming (Crossdressing Diogenes), yet it has been some time since I publicised some thought about the context within which The Gathering takes place. As a tribute to the magazine that preceded becoming.press, I would like to share some thoughts about The Gathering once again, and while it may come across here as a promotional piece, it is really just the continuation of an old tradition of being obsessed with Honest Electronics...